Now, instead of hiring them, he just chats with them online. This actress loves busting up celebrity couples, and this actor is in rehab. Now that he's sober there probably won't be any more blind items about him. Boring!

1. "According to a source, this aging male singer who was on the television circuit for a while was cruising for male prostitutes on a daily basis until he contracted a very serious STD. He now is so terrified of this happening again, he allegedly only goes online for steamy chat sessions." [BuzzFoto]

2. "Just in time for Christmas, we proudly introduce the next generation version of Pillow. Wrecker is an actress, and she is only interested in men who are good-looking, famous… and who are already in relationships with other women. While she is working with your man, she goes to work on him. She's clever about it too. She will pal around with him rather innocently at first, then gradually seduce him with home-baked goods, sweet smiles, pouting, hair-tossing, and compliments. She always waits for him to make the first physical move. Once that happens, she will have his pants off so fast it would make your head spin. She is directly—yes, directly—responsible for wreaking havoc on three celebrity couples in the past three years." [Blind Gossip]

3. "This, I guess B list television actor on a hit show for an almost network has been kind of quiet as of late. Still good looking, but staying out of the news as much as possible. He has also been quietly going to out patient rehab and going there most nights after he finishes shooting. The trigger that sent him there was when he attended a dinner for a UN Ambassador and got so hammered that he took a knife and carved his initials into a priceless sculpture." [CDaN]