A Holiday Request From Aaron Jamison

We met Aaron Jamison last April, when he was selling ads on his cremation urn to help his wife pay medical bills connected to his terminal cancer. Many of you chipped in to help him. He has a small request.
Aaron writes:
You've helped out so much in the past with your Gawker.com posts about our story. Right now we're trying to collect photos of my "Choose Joy!" bracelets "involved" with some kind of inanimate objects! (You'll see examples in the photo album.)

A lot of people on Gawker purchased bracelets when you originally posted our story. I was wondering if you could do a follow up post for me requesting they email me at aaron@judasforgiven.com such photos. I plan to use them in my memorial video. These bracelets have meant so much for me and to my wife. They've been a great way for me to share my point of view on this road we've been on.
I just spent the last week in the hospital with the doctors trying to get my pain under control. Looks as if it's working. But, as my oncologist says, "We're in the home stretch." There's not much else we can do, nor am I ready to keep trying so hard. You can read my blog and get the idea.
You really need to know how much your posts, and follow ups, have meant to me. It's important for me to make sure people embrace joy whenever they can. It's all I can do at this point. (Sorry I'm babbling. Lots of drugs you know?)

Anyway, if you could point people to this project I'd really appreciate it. As always, feel free to share my website, email address and any photo publicly.
Again, may your holidays be filled with happiness, warmth and joy!
Aaron's Facebook page is here, and his blog is here. Merry Christmas.