Here's a collection of best tweets from 2010, from the thumbs of your favorite celebrities to your computer screen. No fake accounts, thank you.

Dear every song with the words "just the way you are" in it, I fucking hate you. Love, Donald.Fri Oct 22 17:08:42 via web

Donald Glover

20! How about we kick it off with one of the hottest actors working in show business today? A great year for Donald Glover.

1,030,895 views on YouTube... Inching closer to that coveted 1 bajillion mark.Fri Feb 12 18:35:25 via web

Isaiah Mustafa

19! Who could forget Old Spice's amazing ad campaign at earlier this year, first with it's absurd and hilarious TV ads, followed by it's ingenious social media responses? It would not have been possible wihout it's dashing, unforgettable pitchman, Isaiah Mustafa.

I have a physical today. Some stranger is going to touch my privates. And put something inside of me. And handle my urine. For free.Tue Jan 26 22:45:59 via web

Rob Huebel

18! Rob Huebel! A consistently funny twitterer.

Any song with more than 2 of these words, I hate: rhythm, night, heat, dance, love, kiss, feel, fire, pokerface.Tue Jun 15 17:54:54 via web


17! Ditto.

Cleavage. It speaks to us from the time before memory of love, comfort, warmth, softness and food. Cleavage. Oh yes. Cleavage.Mon Apr 26 23:48:00 via web

Roger Ebert

16! Who knew Roger Ebert would be such a candid twitterer?

Every asshole who ever chanted 'Drill baby drill' should have to report to the Gulf coast today for cleanup dutyThu Apr 29 20:50:23 via web

Bill Maher

15! The logic doesn't necessarily follow, but we love Bill Maher's passion and outrage.

To explain hours I spend Tweeting in front of computer, I tell my trusting, charming, educated, wife that I am writing a screenplay.Sat Sep 25 19:03:28 via web

Steve Martin

14! Ever since Steve Martin started tweeting in September he's been a comedic freight train, logging over 1700 tweets in mere months.

Do ants have dicks?Sun Mar 28 03:03:55 via UberTwitter

Kourtney Kardashian

13! (presented without comment)

Your desperate &misguided attempt to look younger is the reason your daughter doesn't look up to youFri Dec 17 08:08:23 via Twittelator

Sarah Silverman

12! Ouch! We threw a curveball at you.

So has everyone else been getting their checks from Twitter? Not sure if mine are getting lost in the mail or what.Tue Sep 14 00:37:06 via Echofon

Seth MacFarlane

11! We started to see a lot more sponsored tweets in 2010, because, well, why not.

Back from Yale. Good show, but a notable lack of undergrad billionaires.Sun Oct 10 04:21:27 via web

Michael Ian Black

10! We could fill this list with twenty Michael Ian Black tweets; he wins Funniest Twitterer Award.

If a year ago you would have told me I would be RTing @JustinBieber, I would have said, "I am doing what to who?"Tue Jun 22 21:39:49 via web

Larry King

9! Exactly. And what will 2011 hold?

I hate when I'm on a flight and I wake up with a water bottle next to me like oh great now I gotta be responsible for this water bottleSun Oct 17 00:57:27 via web

Kanye West

8! Hey! Remember when Kanye West didn't have a Twitter, and then he had one solely to promote his album (only we didn't realize it at the time)? Well played; we miss Kanye's eccentric tweets.


Martha Stewart

7! Martha put her stamp on Halloween like a boss.

On Thanksgiving, I visit the hospital and deep fry turkeys for the kids in the burn unit, just to see the looks on their "faces."Thu Nov 25 17:00:42 via web

Anthony Jeselnik

6! Good year for Anthony Jeselnik, whose comedy album is making many year-end best-of lists. Yes, the jokes are all as offensive as this.

I feel like I have something to do tonight that I keep forgetting.Mon Nov 08 16:35:31 via web

Conan O'Brien

5! What a year for Conan O'Brien! Jumping on the Twitter bandwagon after... well, you know what happened.

hey twitter, why haven't i been nominated for a prestigious tweetie yet?! i won't take "there's no such thing" as an answer.Wed Jun 30 04:15:52 via SocialOomph

Stephen Colbert

4! Soothsayer and unstoppable force Stephen Colbert asks for an award in June, receives an award (Golden Tweet Award) at the end of the year. He might take over the world some day.

I can multitask man. I fuck a bitch, type on twitter and write a song at the same time. And all of them be a hit! I'm a cold niggaSat Aug 28 23:27:52 via ÜberTwitter


3! How can we leave out the flagrant writings of 50 Cent? Nope, we can't.

i didnt winFri Nov 05 21:14:43 via web

Alvin Greene

2! This guy ran for South Carolina Senate. He didn't win. A couple days later he tweeted this. Are you in stitches with laughter? You should be.

I'm not going to say anything about Sarah Palin this time. Because really it's not that interesting that both of her tits are disgusting.Wed Jun 09 01:03:58 via web

Louis C.K.

1! Louis CK found out that his hatred of Sarah Palin was great for publicity. Even after he deleted his booze-induced, on-flight rant "@SarahPalinUSA kudos to your dirty hole, you fucking jackoff cunt-face jazzy wondergirl" he found ways to dig into the former Governor and boost his follower count. Hooray for killing two birds with one stone!