We're shocked someone called the cops and not the paparazzi. This actor is cheating with his new costar and this actress helped a family stranded in the rain. She would hate to add to the "roaming the streets" epidemic.

1. "While having dinner with friends this C list actress that started out as a singer, got very drunk and tried to drive home. Her friends wouldn't let her and ended up dropping her off at a buddy's house to spend the night until she sobered up. The ‘buddy' decided it would be a good idea to add drugs into the nightly fun and the actress ended up trying to walk back to her house with only a shirt on chanting "The black dog runs at night" over and over. A neighbor saw the half naked woman roaming the streets and called authorities. Once they realized who she was, she wasn't arrested but taken to her manager's house with a promise never to do it again." [BuzzFoto]

2. "This very famous film star looks happy lately. Well, we know what's putting that grin on his face. He's really enjoying his newest project. What he is enjoying most about it is the outstanding chemistry he has with his younger co-star. It's the kind of special relationship that makes them want to spend lots of quality time alone together in trailers and hotel rooms. His wife knows about it, but they have been living separate lives for months now, so she really doesn't care. Any bad behavior on his part simply provides her with another chip in her pocket in case anything goes awry with their impending divorce." [Blind Gossip]

3. "Another small, but nice kindness. It has been raining for what seems like forever in Los Angeles, but has only been this week. Yesterday was probably the worst it has been. Anyway, this C- list actress who is on one of the biggest network television shows of all time (although she was a latecomer to the series) was driving home yesterday in this monsoon when she saw a car that was on the side of the road. A woman was standing outside looking under her hood in the rain and our actress decided to stop and see if she could help. Well, it turns out the woman was standing there and had three of her kids in the car, including one in a car seat. The woman did not have a cell phone. Our actress called a tow truck driver for the car, and then gave the entire family a ride home all the way on the other side of LA. In the rain. Our actress even gave the obviously struggling woman a few hundred dollars to help pay for the tow and the repairs." [CDaN]