Early in the morning on New Year's Day, a Philippine politician took a snapshot of his family outside their home. Seconds later, he was shot and killed by a gunman, who was also captured in the picture aiming a pistol.

The politician, Manila city councilman Reynaldo Dagsa, had just been woken up by his family to celebrate the New Year on the street outside their home in Manila. The fireworks were so loud that they didn't hear the shot, or shots, that struck Dagsa in the arm and chest. He was pronounced dead on arrival at a nearby hospital, according to local newspaper the Philippine Daily Inquirer, which also ran the photo on its front page today.

Dagsa's family showed Manila police the picture, who later identified the gunman as "Michael Gonzales, alias Fubo of Fish Pond Area I," who Dagsa had previously put in jail for stealing cars. Gonzales, who was out temporarily on bail, and an accomplice, "Rommel Oliva, alias Balong" also pictured to the right, have been arrested.

[via AP]