Jennifer Aniston and Nicole Kidman Are in Love

Since Jennifer Aniston and Nicole Kidman are in Just Go With It together, Bazaar decided to pull an Interview let the celebrities interview each other. The result is a predictably ridiculous kiss-fest, tinged with sexual longing.
Here are the five most ridiculous moments from Jennifer Aniston's interview of Nicole Kidman, followed by the saddest.
1. Jen's wistful 'How we met' story
I remember the first time I met Nicole Kidman. We were at a Golden Globes party in 2005 and—typical Hollywood story—we share an agent. I remember meeting this tall, beautiful woman who was there with her mom and dad. I was completely starstruck, while she was nothing but gracious. Nicole had just seen one of my rom-coms, as they call them, and was instantly kind and complimentary. I loved her immediately.
2. Jen wants to ride Nicole
You are like the Secretariat of actresses—when I see your body of work and everything you have achieved. But in the midst of all these unbelievable roles, I forgot how funny you can be.
3. Jen wants a boyfriend like Keith Urban
He's [Keith Urban] a total sweetheart. I remember him bringing you Chinese food on set, being such a good husband while we were all being silly and playing with coconuts. I'm so inspired by how you navigate this exquisite career and how you've incorporated this wonderful, beautiful family. I bow to it; I aspire to it.
4. Jen wants Nicole's body
Okay, let me just say this: Physically, you are a masterpiece.
5. Nicole wants Jen's body (No homo!)
You are a freak of nature. You have the best body I've ever seen. And I'm a heterosexual girl. You look good morning, noon, and night.
And finally, a sad revelation. Everyone always talks about how Jen is a career girl, but really, she'd rather have love:
NK: I like to ask people if they would rather have a great love that lasts a lifetime or an amazing career where you go down in history. Some people do answer that they want an extraordinary career.
JA: I know what I would choose. That's a no-brainer. I would choose the love of my life.
Oh, just make out already, you two. [Bazaar, image via Bauer-Griffin]