Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Snooki simultaneously disses The Situation and Dancing With the Stars, a look at Zac Efron's weird acceptance speech, Stephen Colbert celebrates the censorship of Huckleberry Finn, and the internet's beloved golden-voiced homeless man announced the Today Show.

Let's All Speculate About Zac Efron's Newly-Single, Short-Haired Acceptance Speech
There was lots of strange celebrity behavior at last night's People's Choice Awards, so let us direct your attention to Zac Efron's acceptance for "Favorite Movie Star Under 25." Or you could call this what it is, a Zefron-appreciation post.

Snooki Disses Dancing With the Stars and The Situation in One Fell Swoop
This orange-colored little person has been on a path of self-righteousness lately! First, she wants us to call her by her real name (because she's an "author") and now she feels above DWTS and The Situation's "bad decisions."

Golden-Voiced Ted WIlliams Announces Today Show Opening
The Ted Williams story keeps rolling on: this morning, he was in an audio booth announcing the Today Show. Those pipes have gotten a lot of work in the past few days, but they still sound pristine.

Stephen Colbert Believes in Mark Twain's Rap-Star Alter Ego
Colbert was glad to hear that a publisher is taking the 200+ instances of the n-word is used in Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn. Apparently as a child, Stephen thought Jim was "so great I wanted one of my own."

Henry Winkler and Craig Ferguson Play Harmonicas Together
Last night on the Late Late Show, Henry Winkler was so entertaining—and genuinely excited to be on the show. He sat on Craig's desk, played the harmonica, and regaled us with tales of being fired from CBS. Meow!