According to a new Vanity Fair article, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange threatened to sue The Guardian when classified State Department cables obtained by Wikileaks were leaked to the paper without his consent. No fair, he got the stolen information first!

From Vanity Fair:

On the afternoon of November 1, 2010, Julian Assange, the Australian-born founder of, marched with his lawyer into the London office of Alan Rusbridger, the editor of The Guardian. Assange was pallid and sweaty, his thin frame racked by a cough that had been plaguing him for weeks. He was also angry, and his message was simple: he would sue the newspaper if it went ahead and published stories based on the quarter of a million documents that he had handed over to The Guardian just three months earlier...

He had become the victim of his own methods: someone at WikiLeaks, where there was no shortage of disgruntled volunteers, had leaked the last big segment of the documents, and they ended up at The Guardian in such a way that the paper was released from its previous agreement with Assange—that The Guardian would publish its stories only when Assange gave his permission. Enraged that he had lost control, Assange unleashed his threat, arguing that he owned the information and had a financial interest in how and when it was released....

(The Guardian went on to publish the diplomatic cables under a new agreement with Wikileaks.)

Julian Assange is made out of contradictions like other people are made out of atoms.

[Image via Getty]