Who is this anonymous author, with "vast" White House insider knowledge, behind the upcoming O: A Presidential Novel? Publisher Simon & Schuster released more information today! But now it seems more like a hoax.

Via Ben Smith:

O: A Presidential Novel is a novel about aspiration and delusion, set during the presidential election of 2012 and written by an anonymous author who has spent years observing politics and the fraught relationship between public image and self-regard. The novel includes revealing and insightful portraits of many prominent figures in the political world – some invented and some real.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: The author of O has been in the room with Barack Obama and wishes to remain anonymous.

The author has "spent years observing politics" and writes about "some invented and some real" figures. And the author's impressive bona fides: He or she has "been in the room with Barack Obama." Very authoritative. It is probably the dumb dog, Bo.

Simon and Schuster released the cover, too. It suggests that Barack Obama has... prominent ears? This author really does know all of Obama's secrets!