Do you recognize any of the ladies in this video of a Florida gas station brawl? If so, then the police want to talk to you about the December 30 melee, which they learned about once it hit the web.

Before you watch the video, a warning that it contains some violence, colorful language, and a bit of fleeting nudity (read: dresses being pulled up over the ladies' behinds):

[There was a video here]

Yes, apparently police weren't notified about the fight via a 911 call or by other means—in fact, they didn't even know it had happened until it started to show up online. Woah.

So anyway, if you recognize anyone in the video, then let the police in Ocala, Florida know! If not, then just check "Watch Florida Female Gas Station Brawl" off of your bucket list, I guess?

[The Smoking Gun]