In your cinematic Wednesday media column: the New York Times documentary is almost here, the Hearst way is the way of the future, fashion news doesn't stop, more finger-wagging at Howard Kurtz, and Joanne Lipman has opinions, against all odds.

  • Above is a quasi-trailer for Page One: A Year Inside the New York Times, the soon-to-be-released documentary that followed NYT media desk reporters for a solid year. David Carr! Brian Stelter! Tim Arango! Covering media stories using computers! Phones! And other hardware! They're talking! Researching! Chatting! Instant messaging! Lunching! Snacking! And likely much more! Is America ready for the media reporter as movie star? Box office receipts are the new Twitter followers! Movie credits are the new bylines! The media reporters of America, at least, look forward to this release with envy.
  • WWD argues that "the Hearst way of doing things"—which is to say, cheaply, in contrast to the Conde Nast way of doing things—is not only being vindicated by the current economic environment, but is, in fact, the future of magazines. That's true.
  • A new fashion news site,, from some fashion industry veterans, amounts to a "Fashion News Catfight." Sure, whatever.
  • In Howard Kurtz's story in The Daily Beast today about Sarah Palin's "blood libel" comment, Kurtz writes, "Blood libel, for those who are not familiar, describes a false accusation that minorities-usually Jews-murder children to use their blood in religious rituals, and has been a historical theme in the persecution of the Jewish people." It's easier to just put Wikipedia's definition directly in quote marks, rather than giving it such a light reworking, Howie. (Sorry! We're being annoying scolds today.)
  • Former Portfolio editor Joanne Lipman: "When even Gawker is asking for a little more civility, you know we're in deep trouble." When even Joanne Lipman is being held up as a savvy analyst of current affairs, you know we're in deep trouble.
  • Former Idolator editor Maura Johnston has started a site called Popdust. Get with it.