The Bad Luck Tale of Poor Skeet Ulrich

Like Donal Logue before him, the poor guy just can't get a break. Also today: Tom Cruise considers rocking out, Batman needs a new galpal so who will it be??, and sexy news about sexy Justin Long.
Oh no! The unfairly maligned Law & Order: Los Angeles is losing two likable cast members. Regina Hall and poor Skeet Ulrich, poor unlucky Skeet, will be leaving the series, along with newcomer Megan Boone. The struggling show is doing the dreaded "retooling," a last ditch effort before either Cousin Oliver comes to town or the show is outright canceled. This is a bummer. Sad for everyone. But most of all for Skeet. Poor Skeet. What's it gonna take, America? Huh? What's Skeet gotta do to make you happy? You want Skeet to dance? Huh? Is that you want? You want Skeet to dance? Oh then he'll fuckin' dance. Skeet'll dance. Skeet'll sing. Skeet'll make you feel good. Just love him. That's all he asks in return. Just love him the way he loves you. But no. It's never enough, is it? It's just never enough for you people. [THR]
Swoon. Justin Long is going to be in more things. I like Justin Long. Let's just think about Justing Long for a second. Hm.... OK. We're back. Anyway, he has a production company and they're doing a TV show that he won't be in and a movie that he will be in. The movie is called A Case of You, which must mean it's about a guy listening to Joni Mitchell at 4 am, drinking and smoking on his bed, half singing, half crying, pretty sure he's going to stay up all night, not letting whatever poor friend got dragged into this leave his house, and then putting on "River" and really losing it. Right? I mean, that's hypothetically what comes to mind when one hears "A Case of You." Or it could be about a guy who creates a cool online persona to impress a girl and then struggles to live up to it. Or that. [Deadline]
Here's the second bit of Kiefer-related news this week. Kash Kiefer is still safely competing to be a Ken doll, but meanwhile Kiefer Sutherland will be playing a hitman talking to a priest about why it's OK to kill people in a web series called The Confession. A web series, Kiefer?? Is that really befitting Jack Bauer? Well, OK, John Hurt is in the series too, so it has some cred. Though, I'd like to see Kiefer do something non-violent for a change. Kiefer Sutherland that is. Kash Kiefer can do whatever the hell he wants. The violenter the better, probably. [EW]
It's another one of those "who's in the running for the big movie" items. Christopher Nolan is putting together the cast for his big The Dark Knight Rises Batman movie, and he needs a leading lady. Nolan has a strange history with casting women, with missteps like Hilary Swank in Insomnia (well, OK, she's good enough in that movie, but someone else could have been better) and Katie Holmes in Batman Begins. And his choices for the next flick aren't much better. He's apparently considering Anne Hathaway, Kate Mara, Keira Knightley and, shudder of shudders, Jessica Biel. I don't like any of those choices! Not knowing anything about the part (apparently she's a white lady! but who cares) here are my nominees in no particular order: Dania Ramirez, Adrienne Palicki, and Archie Panjabi. Think outside the box, Nolan! [THR]
Well well well. Your favorite CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory has been renewed through 2014. So basically someone who was a freshman or sophomore in high school when the show started will be graduating from college when the last contracted season ends. If that puts it in any sort of perspective. Beyond the "Holy shit there's a class of 2014, what do they do, go to class using teleport machines?" perspective, that is. [EW]
Tom Cruise is apparently "getting serious" about being in the movie version of this Rock of Ages musical. So that's good for him. He'd be playing a smaller supporting part, not the lead. So this year he'd be shooting that and a movie called At the Mountains of Madness, which I'm assuming is an I Am Here-style documentary, only it's not fake. [Deadline]