He sings about the ladies, but he's never bedded one. This actress needs to lose weight, and another actress thought she got an STD from her famous spouse. See, there are worse things than being a virgin!

1. "This B list, East Coast rapper might sing about the ladies, surround himself with the ladies and brag about his conquests, but the truth is—he's a virgin. He's not gay, but has no interest in having actual sex with women, he's just interested in the perception that he is." [BuzzFoto]

2. "This award-winning actress has done lots of film and television. Her focus right now, however, is on her weight (which is higher than it was at her career peak). She wants to get back into the spotlight so badly that she is finally circling the dreaded gastric bypass surgery. There's an interesting twist to this plan. She is talking about having the surgery and recovery filmed for a reality show. Barring any surprises, this should happen within the next year." [Blind Gossip]

3. "I guess there must be some serious trust issues. This foreign born, A list (barely) always movie actress got into a huge knock down drag out fight with her celebrity husband. Our actress took an insurance physical and was told she had an STD. Considering she did not have one before she berated her husband for hours. He kept denying it, but she did not believe him. Then she got a call and said she was clean. The office had got the samples mixed up. Not a great New Years weekend." [CDaN]