Turns out they both bedded the same guy. This Latin actress only wants to date white dudes, and this male fashion designer carries tampons when making female clothes. Guys will share anything with their girlfriends these days.

1. "This almost A list always foreign born movie actor was dining at a restaurant two nights ago with his B list movie actress significant other. When our actor saw who was serving them, our actor told his significant other they could ask for another waiter because it turns out our actor had slept with the waiter. His significant other replied, 'Oh, its OK, I slept with him too.'" [CDaN]

2. "This Latin actress wants her publicist to only set her up with ‘white guys.' Although she has someone she has been in love with since childhood who is Latin, she thinks that dating a Latin man won't help her image as much as a white one will. She will put her career in front of her relationships at all costs and has broken the heart of her childhood sweetheart." [BuzzFoto]

3. "Which eccentric fashion designer carries tampons to be in touch with his feminine side while he designs women's clothes?" [P6]

4. "Which superhero movie star is tired of trying to get his mother clean and sober? The actor has vowed 'no more interventions; and warned her that if her most recent stint in rehab doesn't take, she'll never see her two grand kids again." [Blind Gossip]

5. "Which extraordinarily wealthy jet-setting businessman has a wife and two girlfriends on different continents but refuses to be seen in public with any of them for fear that the others will go crazy with jealousy and sue him for his billions?" [P6]