Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Joan Rivers and the Fashion Police name their "Worst Dressed" at the Golden Globes, James Lipton makes a cameo on The Simpsons, new Archer, and Kim Kardashian flirts with Kanye on the premiere of her new show.

Joan Rivers and the Fashion Police List The Worst Dressed at the Golden Globes
Between ScarJo's "Bride of Frankenstein" look and Sandra Bullock's hair still having flat-iron lines in it, there was a lot to discuss when considering options for the Worst Dressed at the Globes. Catty round-table discussion—and a winner—inside.

Archer Triumphantly Returns to TV as Host of Fox's Sunday Night Programs
Sterling Archer, Lana, Malory and the rest of the ISIS crew returned to TV a few days earlier than the show's scheduled return this Thursday. Inside, clips and a very "meta moment" for H. Jon Benjamin's animated career.

Kanye West Inexplicably Appears In Kourtney and Kim Take New York Premiere
For what seemed like no reason whatsoever, Kanye West appeared in last night's big premiere of The Kardashian Sisters Have Another Show-and It's In Your City! Let's break down the new developments in the lives of the Kardashians.

The Simpsons Smartly Sends Up Inside the Actors Studio, '80s TV
Tonight's The Simpsons went highbrow with the guests (James Lipton, David Mamet, Garry Marshall), and lowbrow with some pointed send-ups of '80s TV. Good episode—even better Lipton appearance!

Nobody Likes Ricky's Cat on The Ricky Gervais Show
Friday's Ricky Gervais Show outed Ricky as an annoying cat person right before taking an exciting look into Steven Merchant's naked escapades at Carnival in Rio.