House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer's website currently links to the Twitter account "@leaderhoyer." But this is not Rep. Hoyer's Twitter account. Not unless Hoyer is Tweeting things like "Look how Republicans fell for this bi-partisan seating crap." Or this:

This is what happens when political offices pay for high-priced, money-sucking ‘social media' firms that have no clue what they are doingWed Jan 26 04:50:14 via web

Steny H. Hoyer

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo fell into a similar trap earlier this month—the Twitter account linked to on his official page wasn't his. Politicians, take warning: Check the outgoing links on your homepages! And maybe don't pay for "high-priced, money-sucking 'social media' firms.'" (Hoyer's real account, for the record, appears to be "@WhipHoyer.")

Update: It looks like Hoyer's high-priced money-suckers noticed the mistake and removed the link.

[thanks to Preppy Bastard for the tip]