She's gonna be upset when she finally googles her kid's name. This actor made a waitress an indecent proposal and this athlete is a bad tipper. We got a tip for you: don't name your child after a porn star.

1. "It will be baby season soon, and you can expect a lot of stars to add to their families in the upcoming months! This group includes a very famous actress, who we hear is expecting a little bundle of joy. No, she hasn't announced it publicly yet, but she is already making preparations, including the selection of a name. If everything goes as planned, she will be naming the baby after an equally famous celebrity with whom she is good friends (but it's not the celebrity you expect) . The name is actually very nice, and it fits in well with the actress' family. Despite that, we hope she reconsiders before the baby arrives. If she doesn't, she is in for a rude awakening the first time she Googles the baby's name for news or photos. Why? Because it's the same name as that of not-very-famous porn actress." [Blind Gossip]

2. "This B list television actor who has alternated between middling movies and a successful cable show was at dinner two nights ago when the waitress began flirting with him. Our actor, who was with two other guys said, 'Look. Lets just cut to the chase. If you are so into me, then lets go to the bathroom, you can blow me and I can get back to my dinner.' The waitress walked away and got someone else to serve the table." [CDaN]

3. "We're getting lots of good blinds from our Sundance source this year. Our source has another interesting piece of info about the Olympian we told you about earlier. This time, she claims that whenever he and his ‘crew' are in Vegas partying at a famous club the athlete only tips 2% of his bill. The owner of the club is very frustrated with him and has told the servers to avoid his table when he comes in. He expects freebies and gives very little for what he gets." [BuzzFoto]