High-profile Wikileaks competitor Openleaks officially launched today. In a sign of what's to come, Openleaks' website was leaked to another secret-sharing website two days before its launch. It's leaks all the way down.

Openleaks is the brainchild of former Wikileaks spokesman Daniel Domscheit-Berg, who quit the group after falling out with founder Julian Assange. He tells the AP that the main difference between his outfit and Wikileaks is that Openleaks will act more as a passive conduit for documents, passing them off to established journalism or non-profit outfits for analysis and publishing. Wikileaks has been moving toward a similar model, partnering with big newspapers for their leaks of Iraq and Afghanistan documents, and the diplomatic cables. But, given the fact that most of these partnerships have ended in messy break-ups between Assange and the newspapers, we're going to guess this won't last.

As for that leak: Cryptome.org, a long-time Wikileaks rival, posted an unfinished draft on Openleaks' website a couple days ago. Openleaks played it cool, linking to the leak on their own website and writing: "Some parts that are not finished yet are missing. Enjoy the read and feel free to give us some feedback."

The future of journalism: one thousand Wikileaks, all leaking documents about one another.

Incidentally, if you have any Wikileaks-related leaks, feel free to leak them to our own Wikileaks competitor: Wikileakileaks.org

[Photo of Daniel Domscheit-Berg via Getty]