Who am I? Where am I? I'm looking for Gawker.TV, what in the world happened to it? Relax, we're still right here with all the latest and greatest videos everyone is talking about from television and the internet and more. We just have a brand new look.

We want to help you become master navigators of the new layout. That's why we've put together this helpful guide on how to make the most of our new design.

How to scan through videos

When you come to Gawker.TV, usually you want to scan through a lot of videos at once. Now you have two ways to do that: Flipping through pages (below) and scrolling through headlines (right).

If you like the experience of flipping through videos like changing channels with a remote, you'll want to use our "next post" button. It's on the left side of the navigation bar at the bottom of the page. Clicking it takes you through the day's videos one at a time. You can even flip through the videos right from your keyboard: Just use the right and left arrow key to page through the day's stories, or use the gamer's choice navigation with j/k. Try it!

If you'd rather just scan potential videos you might want to watch , you can use your scroll button or up/down arrow keys to move through the stories in the right-hand column, which are displayed in reverse-chronological order. There is also a "next headlines" button at the bottom of that column, for even quicker scanning. At the top of the right-hand column, you'll see three icons: A house, a flame, and a magnifying glass. Click the house if you want to see today's stories. Click the flame for today's most popular videos. Click the magnifying glass for search.

What's in it for commenters?

If you're a regular reader and commenter, you'll notice right away that the site is lighter and faster. Just click on a headline if you'd like to read the story. The headlines will stay with you in the right-hand column no matter what story you're reading. No more clicking back to the front page when you're done reading a story. When you're done reading a post, you can go back to scrolling through the day's headlines, or start flipping through stories one at a time.

There's also a big, generous space for your comments now - they're no longer scrunched into a small column. That means your commenter name is bigger, your comments are a lot easier to read, and there's more space for your pictures and videos that you've uploaded.

You'll also find that it's easier to change comment settings. The big navigation bar at the top of the comments section makes it a lot easier to choose whether you'd like to see all comments, or just featured comments.

Right now these forums may be buggy - we're aware that there are problems, and our tech teams in the U.S. and Hungary will be working very hard this week to fix them. Also, our private messaging feature is undergoing an upgrade and will return in a week and the friend/follower function is evolving for the future. Stay tuned.

If you are experiencing problems with anything from comments to logging in, please mail our help desk at help@gawker.com. Somebody will be responding to your concerns at that address 24 hours a day.

Why did you do this to me?

We wanted to make the front page quicker to load and easier to scan, while also emphasizing big videos you just can't miss. The fact is that we spend a lot of time watching hours of day time television and cat videos-but sometimes the best ones get lost in that long, long blog scroll. This way, we can splash them as big as we want! And not sacrifice load time.

For a more in-depth explanation for the redesign, read this post by Gawker Media publisher Nick Denton.

If you want to resist change, you can always view the blog via classic view, which gives you something that's a lot like the way the old site looked. And of course you can also read Gawker.TV via your favorite RSS reader.

Everything You Need to Know About Gawker.TV
Do you have burning questions about Gawker.TV? Are you new to the site? Want to see your work on Gawker.TV? Ever wonder how you can also share TV clips with your friends? All of these answers, inside.