Just last week, TripAdvisor awarded the Desert Inn Resort in Daytona Beach the title of third-dirtiest hotel in America. (Belated congrats, guys!) The hotel's owner celebrated by being arrested on child porn charges (again).

The FBI charged hotel owner Dennis Devlin and one of his employees with paying a 13 year-old boy to be filmed during sex acts. Desert Inn guests have noted on TripAdvisor, "This place is full of bugs, mainly roaches and ants and you can hear rodents in the walls at night. DO NOT bring children here, they will never want to go on vacation again because of the traumatizing effect this place will have on them." Oh, how disturbingly true:

Federal agents and detectives spent the day at the 224-room hotel removing boxes of evidence that included iPhones found hidden in a ceiling and used to photograph sexual acts, and DVDs depicting the same, the affidavit shows.

The Daytona Beach police chief actually used the words "a den of iniquity" to describe this hotel.

Your move, Grand Resort Hotel & Convention Center.

[Daytona Beach News-Journal via USAT. Photo: Flickr]