There's a whole lot of cheating going on between this Oscar-caliber lady and another couple. This actress is hooked on blow, this magazine editor made his girlfriend get an abortion, and this actor isn't as tough as he seems.

1. "I did not believe it was possible. Yes, this B list television actress who has been around since her pre-teens has been cheating on her recent husband since even before they got married. I always thought he was oblivious, even when it was mentioned in this space, but it turns out he might know after all because he is having sex with this A-list Academy Award winner/nominee actress who also has a significant other." [CDaN]

2. "This B- list television actress has a bit of a drinking problem. This is very evident. What is not well known is that she can't get any new work now because her nose candy problem is getting out of hand. Oh, and she is not married. Don't want you to confuse her with some other drunk actress." [CDaN]

3. "Which male magazine editor made his girl friend have an abortion be cause he wasn't ready to settle down?" [P6]

4. "This actor seems fairly macho on screen, but is actually pretty much of a wuss in real life. He was being courted for a plum role in a upcoming action adventure. He was interested in the part, but after some consideration, thought it would be too physically and mentally demanding for him and turned it down. No matter how much money you offer this guy, he just won't take a roles in which he might be a little too hot or cold, a little too dry or wet, or a little too high or low." [Blind Gossip]

5. "Which mega-rich mogul shocked diners at a top New York restaurant when he left celebrity guests at his table and locked himself in the loo with his wife?" [P6]

6. "This one's a little too gross, we almost didn't share. This A/B list, film mostly, British actress is a little self-obsessed or else a little nasty. She saved some of her tonsilloliths (google it, we had to) at the request of a fan who was willing to pay big bucks for them. He saved them in a little vile around his neck and calls them "Pearls of [Actress name]." Say it with us, YUCK!" [BuzzFoto]

7. "Which New York princess used her considerable p.r. power to cover up a trip to rehab a few months after her wedding?" [P6]