Gawker Artists: Open Call For Artists and Exhibitors

Are you an artist curious about how to get your work featured on Gawker Media sites? Come in and learn all the ways you can contribute to the Gawker Artists community. [Art by Scott Listfield.]
Submit Your Art
Gawker Artists is a curated online art community and exhibition program promoting the works of artists in all media. Participating artists receive free profile pages and are eligible to have their work featured on Gawker Media sites and included in Gawker Artists exhibitions. Interested in getting your art the exposure it deserves? Submit your work to our curatorial team here.
Own Your Favorite Works
Introducing the new Gawker Artists Shop! In collaboration with Society6, you can now browse through and buy prints by your favorite Gawker Artists. Click here to check it out.
Be An Exhibitor
But what's that you say? You're not an artist, yet you want your personal site to look as pretty as ours? By becoming an exhibitor, fans can show Gawker Artists' images on their own sites. All participating exhibitors are listed on Gawker Artists and are eligible to have their news published in the Gawker Artists Newsletter. Click here to submit your site, and we'll walk you through the process of becoming a Gawker exhibitor.
Learn About Our Exhibits
What's more, the Art@Gawker rotating series takes work from some of our favorite Gawker Artists and hangs it right on the walls of Gawker HQ. Our newest exhibit Context showcases artist who use text in their compositions. The show includes Jason Shelowitz's entire Subway Etiquette Series, which features his findings after he surveyed 100 NYC subway riders on their underground commute-related pet peeves (non service-related).
Enjoy the City
Gawker Artists is sponsoring a documentary series called "New York Influence City" this March that will include reflections on New York City by prominent art scene figures, including Ross Bleckner, Ann Craven, Peter Halley, Donald Sultan, Ryan McGinness, Jacob Hashimoto, Tony Oursler and Eric Freeman. In each film, the City is considered in light of the history, influence and audience of its art scene and the relationship the artists have with the city.