Sup'age, bros! It's Skins time and I know what you're thinking: "Last night's episode was TOPE!" Or maybe that's not what you're thinking. Maybe you don't even know what "tope" is (Google tells me that it's ‘tight + dope').

If that's the case, then you're obviously too old to appreciate Skins and should probably crawl into coffin already. Teens only! No grown-ups allowed! Get out of our room!

Anyway, Skins. Last night's episode focused on Katie (the show spells it "Cadie," but I refuse to play that way). With her bird phobia and inexplicable attraction to the Michael Cera-faced Stanley, Katie/Cadie is a bit of a nutcase. She deals with this by seeing several inept psychologists and taking a boatload of prescription medication. Like all of the adults on Skins, her parents are completely self-absorbed and out-of-touch, though it's worth mentioning that her dad is Lt. Carver from The Wire.

[There was a video here]

Despite being brushed aside by her mom and dad, Katie/Cadie is still doing her best to be happy and make friends. She thinks that she has succeeded when Stanley invites her to a party under the pretense of a date. In actuality, he is only using her for her extensive access to pharmaceutical drugs and is really interested in the party's hostess Michelle. Do you remember being young? How you would go to the party of the girl you had a crush on, then would sneak upstairs to jerk-off in her bedroom? Of course, you do-it's a hallmark of the teen experience. Well, like you, this is what Stanley does. Michelle catches him and neither party is as embarrassed as they should be (unless you're counting the audience-we are mortified).

[There was a video here]

Back to our little cuckoo bird, Katie/Cadie. She realizes that dopey Stanley has only invited her to the party for her drugs and decides that her best course of action is to sleep with Michelle's step dad. Is this an act of revenge? An act of desperation? Loneliness? Who knows! Who cares! Empathy is for grandmas, not youths! Her seduction is interrupted by Stanley, who suddenly, and again without motivation, decides that he cares about and maybe even like-likes her. Naturally, Katie/Cadie deals with this by running out of the house and screaming at a flock of pigeons. This is where the episode ends, leaving us with so many requestions (teen speak for 'requests + questions') for the couple's future.