Both these gay TV studs are in the closet, but they were in each others' arms in Dallas. This Twilight star's ex says he's impotent because of steroids. This gay actor recently had a fling with woman. Does he need to go back in the closet?

1. "Which closeted male small-screen stars, who both have publicly dated actresses and other famous women, got stuck in a deep make-out session with each other at a Super Bowl after-party in Dallas?" [P6]

2. "According to his celebrity ex-girlfriend, this Twilight actor is impotent due to steroids. Huh. This might be true, but I tend to think that despite her boyish appearance she is not a boy." [CDaN]

3. "Which barely closeted gay male movie actor recently had a passionate affair with a woman while spending time in Europe?" [P6]

4. "So, if you are this A list movie actress and big award winner, what do you do when your B++ actor significant other cheats on you every chance he gets and you know about it. Apparently you pretend everything is great until he gets publicly caught. At this point he does not even try that hard to hide it." [CDaN]

5. "This A list actress with an Oscar or two is married with kids and still working, although by Hollywood standards she is "old." She has been desperately trying to stave off menopause with a combination of Chinese herbs she purchases secretly in downtown LA. She's so scared of ‘the change' that she's now seeing a spiritualist that is giving her tips from beyond the grave about holding on to her youth." [BuzzFoto]

6. "This is one gorgeous young couple. She is the sweet, talented star of a popular television show. He is the petulant up-and-coming film lead. They are so close that rumor has it that they are beyond the dating stage and possibly engaged or even married. Um, no. Don't believe a word of it. Their coupledom is a pure public relations fabrication. They will be together on the red carpet for his film opening/s, but she is scheduled to move on to the arm of a new male actor later this year." [Blind Gossip]