Gawker.TV: The Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Anderson Cooper talks to David Letterman about being beaten in Cairo, Joan Rivers talks shit on Kate Gosselin, The View discusses ex-Congressman Eric Lee's resignation, and a look at Matthew Perry's new comedy Mr. Sunshine.

Anderson Cooper to David Letterman: "I Don't Recommend" Being Pummeled
Last night,, Anderson Cooper—fresh from his headline-grabbing Egypt trip—stopped by the Late Show to chat with David Letterman about being beaten up by an angry, pro-Mubarak mob. "I don't recommend it," said Cooper. Neither do we. Leave Andy alone!

Matthew Perry's Mr. Sunshine Fails to Give Us That Sunny, Funny Feeling
Last night after Modern Family, ABC premiered Matthew Perry's new comedy Mr. Sunshine. It was supposed to be loved by Studio 60 fans, a possible break in the "Friends curse," and most importantly—funny. So how was it?

The View Gets Fired Up Over the Resignation of the "Craigslist Congressman"
On today's View, the ladies discussed the newly ex-Congressman Eric Lee's resignation from office. Joy Behar calls his voting records "hideous" and also notes "He votes against Don't Ask, Don't Tell but not 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell My Wife.'"

Joan Rivers Worries About the Size of Kate Gosselin's Uterus
Among the many people on Joan Rivers' List To Bash last night (others included "that bitch" Betty White and Suri Cruise), Kate Gosselin and her magical life-giving uterus were a primary target.

James Blunt Admits He "Writes Gay Music"
James Blunt has the self-deprecating humor shtick down. Apparently, the crooner has a penchant for spreading lies about himself. In this brief clip alone, he says he's gay, a drug addict, and that his new album is Justin Bieber's favorite.

Modern Family: "You Can't Win Valentine's Day"
On last night's Valentine's Day-themed Modern Family, we started with Gloria out-maneuvering Jay on Valentine's Day by rescheduling his plans and buying the old man a Harley—proving that she's smarter than him and thus, winning?

50 Cent Tells Conan O'Brien About Getting "Dirty" on Twitter
Conan O'Brien welcomed 50 Cent as a guest on Conan. A major topic of conversation was 50's Twitter account, which the rapper admitted gets quite dirty at night. Then, he told a confusing story about penises/balls (I think).

Nick Swardson Makes His Oscar Predictions and Plugs "Black Tron"
On Late Night, Nick Swardson predicts this year's best movie and lets us in on some of his new projects. his Oscar-inspired projects include: Black Swan and Inception.

Live to Dance's Tearjerker of a Finale
Last night's finale was an emotional one. While Paula Abdul no longer has access to her tear ducts, she dry-cried through a heartwarming speech before the winners were announced. Watch to find out who is the "Best Dance Act in America."