In your finally Friday media column: journalism's least competent weed dealer located, a Wikileaks smear scheme exposed, Rupert Murdoch believes in himself, AP employees put their cars on strike, and Eminem only speaks to middle school news outlets.

  • Jeffrey Joiner, who's worked as a freelance reporter for the Barnstable (MA) Patriot since last September, had six pounds (!) of weed mailed to him, at work. The postal inspector smelled it. The cops showed up at his job. "According to the report, after he signed a "consent to search" form, officers opened the package and found six pounds of "a green leafy substance suspected to be marijuana." Then he told cops he was planning to sell it. This man is clearly far too stupid to be a reporter, though he could still run for Congress.
  • Have you heard about the big secret plan to smear Glenn Greenwald and others for supporting Wikileaks, and also to smear Wikileaks itself? Read all about it! Great work, rich powerful bastards.
  • What is Rupert Murdoch doing? He's buying $20 million of stock in his own company! He thinks The Daily will make them money, I guess. You're so old, Rupert.
  • Daily Beast media reporter Howard Kurtz has an EXCLUSIVE statement from Brangelina's flack about their EXCLUSIVE new baby adoption plans. Hope you don't regret leaving the Washington Post, Howie.
  • As part of the Newspaper Guild's contract bargaining with the AP, "Staffers in several U.S. bureaus are declining to make their personal vehicles available for the employer's use." Car boycott! There is also a byline boycott, but the car boycott sounds cooler.
  • A Michigan eight-grader decided to try to get an interview with Eminem for her newspaper class, and what do you know, she got it! Then Eminem raped and killed her.

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