Photo Opportunity

It is that time again to participate in a caption contest, for a chance to win some classy prizes. We're giving away two prints from photographer Frank Zurita.
To enter the contest, simply leave a funny (or serious, if you want) caption based on this photo of Yun Jung-hee in the upcoming South Korean film "Poetry." Then we'll pick our two favorites on Monday and the winners will each be a print from Frank Zurita Photography.
Tweet Us Your Caption Using the Hashtag #gawkergiveaways

What You'll Win

8x10 Print of "Fuck Makeup A" from Frank Zurita Photography

8x10 Print of "Fuck Makeup B" from Frank Zurita Photography
How to Enter
Submit your captions as a tweet using the hashtag #gawkergiveaways. The deadline for contest entries is Monday, February 14th at 12 pm ET. We'll pick a winner from tweets with the required hashtag, during the contest runtime, and notify them by direct message on Twitter. This means that you must be following @Gawker on Twitter to be eligible. All standard Gawker contest rules apply, naturally.