In its new role as caretaker government, Egypt's military suspended the constitution and dissolved parliament today, and Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq promised that previously scheduled elections will be held in September. Let's just hope that the country's temporary rulers remain temporary. Here's a round up of today's other news out of Egypt.

  • Egyptian police officers protested in Tahrir Square today for higher wages and to tell people that they were just following orders when they shot protesters. If they do get raises, perhaps they could give that extra money back to the 80 million Egyptians who they extorted on a daily basis. [Al Masry Al Youm]
  • Hosni Mubarak's last moments in office read like that of many fallen dictators' — he was delusional, surrounded himself with yes men and took the advice of his criminal son, Gamal. "Insiders said Mubarak's address Thursday night was meant to be his resignation announcement. Instead, he made one last desperate attempt to stay in office after being encouraged to do so by close aides and especially by his family, long the subject of rumors of corruption, abuse of power and extensive wealth." [AP]
  • Did old Hos finally leave the country? He's rumored to have fled to the UAE. [Al Masry Al Youm]
  • And what about the Mubarak family's fortune? Banks in Britain are under pressure to follow Switzerland's lead and the freeze the family's assets, which are rumored to be worth billions of dollars. [NYT]
  • Two statues of Tutankhamun were stolen from the Egyptian Museum on January 28, after "looters climbed a fire escape to the museum roof and lowered themselves on ropes from a glass pane ceiling onto the museum's top floor." [Guardian]
  • Cairo's legendary traffic still sucks. [Ben Wedeman/CNN]

[Image via Getty]