The Egyptian military cleared Cairo's Tahrir Square of protestors on Tuesday, freeing the plaza for traffic for the first time in weeks after mass demonstrations eventually led to the end of President Hosni Mubarak's regime. Tahrir, which means "Liberation," had been the epicenter of the anti-government protests, with an elaborate occupation camp staffed by volunteers—from doctors and nurses to people running a lost-and-found stand. (The BBC has a nice interactive map.) Here's a collection of photos from the month-long protest and occupation, beginning in late January and ending last week with the announcement of Mubarak's departure. All images courtesy AP.

January 30 [Image via AP]

January 31 [Image via AP]

February 1 [Image via AP]

February 3 [Image via AP]

February 4 [Image via AP]

February 6 [Image via AP]

February 7 [Image via AP]

February 8 [Image via AP]

February 10 [Image via AP]

February 11 (day) [Image via AP]

February 11 (night) [Image via AP]

February 13 [Image via AP]

February 15 [Image via AP]