The reason this star isn't talking about her divorce is because her ex has a tape of her doing nasty, nasty things in the sack. This country star's husband hits on models and this actress is sabotaging her husband's weight-loss efforts. Big whoop. It's not like they made a sex tape!

1. "It was big news when this couple broke up, and now you're going to hear some of the grossest behind-the-scenes details. There are photos. And a video. In them, the couple is engaged in various sex acts and using lots of filthy language. Since they were married at time, no big deal, right? Well, the man is wearing leather, a brown cap with a racist symbol, and a gun. He also has a little mustache as the result of a scatalogical act in which the couple engages on the video.

When they broke up, he went to rehab, but curiously left after only a short period of time. Why? So that he could secure the tape. She was also extremely worried about the tape, as its publication would have certainly caused her pristine reputation to come crashing down. Her handlers rushed to the home, couldn't find the tape, but were able to secure some revealing photos. So, in case you are wondering why she was so quiet after the breakup, it is because she is still vulnerable to being as condemned as he is. He still has the tape, she still has the photos, and the two will be eternally locked in a Mexican-style standoff." [Blind Gossip]

2. "This newly married country singer who you all know, but not really for being a singer, should really watch her husband more closely as he would not stop chatting with every model he saw and even asked for phone numbers. Now, I know our singer has a role model who has been rumored to enjoy the ladies, but I think this was all for him. I think she just doesn't care which is really sad." [CDaN]

3. "This beautiful C List television star from a popular sitcom is married to someone who is overweight. Her spouse (not an actor or celebrity but is in the "biz") is trying hard to lose weight and as he gets closer to his weight goal, he gets more and more praise. The only explanation for this C lister's behavior is that she is jealous or resentful of his attention because she's sabotaging him at every angle. She knows how hard he's been working and how food is such a temptation for him, yet she continues to bring home expensive take-out and fancy desserts. She eats greasy pizza in front of him, and keeps buying him clothing several sizes too large as gifts. For Valentine's last night she bought him a gigantic box of chocolates, even though our source said he specifically said he didn't want anything edible for a gift that day." [BuzzFoto]