Gawker.TV: The Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Kristin Cavallari blows the lid off of MTV's scripted reality series, Christiane Amanpour brings gifts to the Colbert Report, J-WOWW's life advice, and Victoria Beckham cried all the way through her latest Vogue shoot.

Kristin Cavallari Reveals Exactly How Fake The Hills Was
In a refreshingly candid interview this morning, Kristin Cavallari spoke frankly about how "real" the two reality shows (Laguna Beach, The Hills) that launched her info relevance actually were. Her stories include tales of bribery, scheduled meetings and pushy producers.

Christiane Amanpour Stops by Colbert With a Gift for Christiane Aman-purr
Apparently, ABC News Correspondent Christiane Amanpour heard that Colbert had her feline counterpart Christiane Aman-purr on the show while she was in Egypt, so she brought Aman-purr her own little foreign reporter outfit complete with a tiny ABC News pin.

Actress Marcia Gay Harden Patronizes Modern Family's Sarah Hyland on The View
Marcia Gay Harden plays a mother in an upcoming Lifetime movie, and on The View, she played mother to guest co-host Sarah Hyland. Yes, 20-year-old Hyland plays a teenager on Modern Family, but I doubt she appreciates being called "child."

Victoria Beckham Cried Her Way Through Her Latest Vogue Cover Shoot
In her interview with Jimmy Fallon last night, Victoria Beckham came across more likable than any appearance we've seen her do. She spoke about her pregnancy, saying that she feels incredibly lucky to have a 4th child on the way.

Justin Bieber Talks Puberty, Pumas, and (Canadian) Patriotism
Justin Bieber, the wee Canadian creeping into the windows of mothers, daughters, and sisters all across the land, continues the spread of the Bieber Fever epidemic. Here, JB re-writes the National Anthem and swoons over Resident Puma, Jennifer Love Hewitt.

Teen Mom 2: Redneck Photo Shoot Jamboree
When raising your children on national television, it is important to start implementing the propaganda of your regional ideology early on in the child's development.

Dr. Phil Takes His Crazy Talk of Cheating Fingers to Conan
America's most-trusted doctor graced the set of Conan last night and he spoke about his theory that a man's finger-length can reveal whether or not he's likely to cheat. He adds that Conan was "probably born in a testosterone storm."

Lost's Ben Linus Stars as Your Everyday, Creepy Bug Collector on Parenthood
Missing your weekly dose of evil mastermind Ben Linus? You're in luck, as Michael Emerson turned up on last night's episode of Parenthood. Sadly, he's less of an evil "other" and more of a socially-awkward bug genius.

J-WOWW Details All the Life Lessons You Can Learn From Her New Book
Jersey Shore's J-WOWW stopped by Access Hollywood Live to detail her life experiences she drew from to write her advice book. So... why did she write the book? J-WOWW says it's so that others can "learn from my mistakes."