Gawker.TV: The Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Justin Bieber gets shot to death on CSI, view Michael Scott's movie, Sofia Vergara's bikini-clad commercial from 1998, and a Michigan woman is furious that her mother wound up on the website "People of Walmart."

Watch Justin Bieber Get Shot and Killed on CSI
Here's a treat! In what seems like the perfect climax to Justin Bieber's invasion of talk shows and the PR circuit, the tween idol was shot to death in an episode of CSI last night. Enjoy!

Watch Joel McHale's Independent Film About His Cat Roy's Cocaine Problem
Joel just heard that all it takes to be called an "independent film" is to not be financed by a major Hollywood studio. So, here's one of the many films by Joel that now count towards a possible Spirit Award.

The Highlights from Michael Scott's Action Movie, "Threat Level Midnight"
The Office treated us to a nice diversionary episode, which made up for its lack of plot moving elements with some nice Michael "Scarn" related bad-assery.

Watch a Bikini-Clad (and Blonde!) Sofia Vergara in a 1998 Bally's Total Fitness Commercial
Before she was Al Bundy's hot wife on Modern Family she was hawking Bally's $5 sign-up fees. You may find her light hair startling, but the gratuitous shots of her body in a bikini will likely ease the pain.

It's a Media Blitz Gone Bad on Parks and Recreation
The Parks Department decides to go on a "Media Blitz" to spread the word about the Harvest Festival due to a low awareness among Pawnee residents. Things start to go bad when an Alta Vista search reveals Ben's secret past.

Archer Channels His Inner Burt Reynolds
It's always great when our favorite pop culture characters have a clear understanding of pop culture and have some eccentric favorites of their own. Case and point: Last night's Archer showed Sterling to be quite the Burt Reynolds fanboy.

Michigan Woman Outraged By "People of Walmart" Website
Understandably, a Michigan woman was not pleased when her mother appeared on the website "People of Walmart." Less understandable is the news reporter's shock at the existence of a website so popular that even Michigan moms know about it.

Community: Pierce Screws With Everyone's Head
Last week, Pierce overdosed on pills and now he's in the hospital-planning his revenge. He calls for the study group to visit him on his "death bed," even though he's doing just fine.

Clever Passers-by Walk Hilariously Through Local News Report
We just caught this funny little segment about Mayor Bloomberg's budget cuts from our local ABC affiliate. Okay, so his reporting isn't funny, but the gaggle of people tip-toeing behind him in unison definitely is. Well played, random street people!