Gawker.TV: The Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Justin Timberlake outs a Cleveland Show regular, Fred Armisen and Joel McHale swap spit, a look at 36 seasons of SNL's Weekend Update, and The Simpsons parody Pixar and other famous Hollywood actors and animators.

Watch Celine Dion Bark Like a Dog on Oprah
Today's Oprah Winfrey Show features Celine Dion (with her record-breaking 27th appearance on the program!). While giving a tour of her home—and showing off her new twin boys-Dion acted predictably eccentric and even barked like a dog.

See the History of SNL's Weekend Update Through Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire"
Last night NBC aired a 2-hour special called Saturday Night Live: Backstage that took a look at the show's 36 seasons. One of the interesting segments was about Weekend Update, cultural relevance, and how it's changed through the years.

Tyra Banks Teases America's Next Top Model's 16th Cycle Dressed as Stereotypical ANTM Auditions
Who better to mock the girls that go through ANTM's auditioning process than Tyra Banks herself? Here's our queen—in all of her crazy glory—acting out some of the "types" of gals that "wanna be on top."

The Simpsons Parody Awards Season, Pixar, and Other Animated Films With Help From Ricky Gervais
When Bart's comic strip "Angry Dad" gets a movie deal and is then nominated for a Golden Globe, the whole family hikes out to LA for awards season. Throughout the episode, the show parodies Hollywood and famous animators.

Here's Justin Bieber Falling Down at the NBA Celebrity All-Star Game
Last week we got to see Justin Bieber shot to death on CSI and yesterday the Biebs played in the Celebrity All-Star game. What resulted was a lot of time on the ground (ha!) but he was eventually named MVP. Here's a look at his fumbles and falls.

Watch Internet Favorite Zach Anner Finally Meet Oprah Winfrey
Zach Anner is one of three finalists on Oprah's competition to win Your Own Show. In the show's latest episode, he finally got to sit down with Lady O herself. How'd he do? Charmed the pants off her, of course!

Justin Timberlake Outs Terry on The Cleveland Show
Cleveland and the gang go out on the town and end up having more fun at a gay bar than they'd have on a regular evening. It did, however, lead to the gang discovering that lady-killer Terry is actually homosexual—and dating Justin Timberlake!

Fred Armisen Voices a New Computer Competitor for Watson, Swaps Spit With Joel McHale on The Soup
How many appearances can one man do in a week? Fred Armisen seems to be testing the limits of exactly how many. Lucky for him, Friday's appearance on The Soup was hysterical.

The Big Bang Theory's Mayim Bialik is a Phenomenally Interesting Person
Nerds of a certain age will be thrilled to learn that their childhood crush/idol Mayim Bialik has "Blossomed" [ugh, sorry] into a similarly geeky adult. As explained in this interview, the real-life neuroscientist is truly a Wonder Woman.