This actress broke up with her celebrity husband because he can't just say no to sex with prostitutes. This famous family is on the outs and this closet case has a case of velvet rage. Is it possible to be addicted to anger?

1. "Both members of this acting couple appear more mild than wild, so it probably didn't surprise you when they married. The reason they split up, however, would probably shock you. Its not because they are of different religious backgrounds. Had she taken the relationship more slowly and done some research about his last relationship, she would have discovered that he had a long history of bad behavior. But she didn't, they married, and his bad behavior returned. While she was dreaming of children and a home with a white picket fence… he was out every night screwing prostitutes, co-stars, and anything else with two legs and a hoohoo. Boy, was she mad when she found out! There was lots of screaming and crying, and she had to be tested multiple times for those nasty diseases. To learn that her husband was a sex addict—and has been for a long time—came as a shock to her. Frankly, just the thought of him having sex with anyone gives us nightmares." [Blind Gossip]

2. "This famous family is pretending solidarity in the spotlight, but for the last year and half the biggest celebrity in the family not only refuses to speak to everyone else behind the scenes, they also are taking legal action against the parents." [BuzzFoto]

3. "Young pretty star lives the fast life, parties hard on the circuit. A lot of access, a lot of money, not much responsibility, not unlike so many privileged twentysomethings, only his problem is that the rage comes out when he uses. On several occasions, he's been so violent, they've had to hold him back from causing serious damage to his friends. On one occasion, he beat the shit out of one of his boys. The aftermath is always tearful, he's always ashamed by his behavior which, sadly, stems from the shame he feels about the fact that he'd prefer dating men, but is afraid to admit it. He resorts to sneaking around, is paranoid that he'll be found out, and is frustrated that he has to go to such lengths to hide his hookups. It doesn't help that professionally he's been cautioned against being honest about being gay." [Lainey Gossip]