In your chilly Tuesday media column: Michael Ware's rugged face will not return to CNN, the NYT's remarkable government-friendly duplicity, the Time Inc. executive shakeup continues, Men's Fitness's editor is out, Chicago mag ripped off, and a reporter's mysterious death.

  • Whoa, dashing war correspondent Michael Ware has left CNN. He's confirmed he's not returning, after being on book leave for a year. He's also working on, and we quote, "something new and very, very exciting." He was a good reporter and a self-described PTSD sufferer, so let's hope he gets a somewhat less explosive job soon.
  • In case this point wasn't clear enough in yesterday's story about the CIA employee who gunned down those guys in Pakistan, it's worth pointing out again: the New York Times knew that Raymond Davis was a CIA employee, but decided not to report that fact, at the request of the U.S. government—even while dutifully reporting government lies that Davis was a "diplomat." That sure is fucked up and dispiriting, isn't it?
  • Time Inc. executive shakeup fallout update! After Jack Griffin was abruptly dumped as CEO last week, the entire company is waiting for a successor. That successor will not be John Huey, according to the company. Nor will it be Jack Griffin! Haha. But seriously, who will it be? (Tell me.) Also! Randall Rothenburg, Time Inc.'s chief digital officer, is leaving after one whole month on the job to become CEO of the Interactive Advertising Bureau. Great.
  • Roy Johnson is out (involuntarily, it seems) after nearly four years as editor of Men's Fitness. SportsNewser has his farewell note. Not important, but you know what I bet he could do? Personal training. Cause someone would pay big money to say "My personal trainer was the editor of Men's Fitness." That "someone" is Graydon Carter. (I bet.)</li.
  • Chicago magazine found out that a magazine in Russia called Krasnodar ripped of its cover design. The American who publishes Krasnodar dismissed their complaints, saying "All creative inspiration is derivative." So what did Chicago do? They had their lawyers send Krasnodar a motherfucking "stern note." That's why you don't fuck with Chicago, you guys.
  • Glen Creno, a 59 year-old veteran reporter at the Arizona Republic, was found dead in "a small pond" in his back yard Saturday night. There was no evidence of foul play and the cause of death hasn't been determined, though Creno did have a history of seizures.

[Photo: CAP]