Gawker.TV: The Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, The Bachelor visits the finalist's hometowns, Kathie Lee and Hoda celebrate "National Margarita Day," Jessica Hahn insults Barbara Walters, and Carmelo Anthony dodges questions about his trade to the Knicks mere hours before it happens on Conan.

Carmelo Anthony Dodges Trade Questions Just Hours Before Being Traded
On Conan, Carmelo Anthony, who was just traded to the Knicks, dodged countless questions regarding where he would be traded to. He actually made it seem like he was going to stay in Denver.

The Bachelor: Death Does Them Part
This week's episode of The Bachelor was the dreaded "meet the parents" episode! Yes, Brad went to each of the four finalist's hometowns and met the families. But was he prepared for Shawntel's tour of her job at a funeral home? (Answer: No.)

Tacky Guest Jessica Hahn Insults Barbara Walters on The View
As part of "Where Are They Now?" week, The View had on Jessica Hahn, who had a sexual encounter with 1980's televangelist Jim Bakker. Rudely, she juxtaposes her experience with Barbara's affair with a senator, provoking Barbara to snappily retaliate.

House Re-Enacts the "Tasty Burger" Scene from Pulp Fiction
The plot of last night's House was basically an excuse to have Hugh Laurie interact with a bunch of precocious 5th graders, but it resulted in some memorable sequences, like this homage to everyone's favorite "old" movie about foot massages.

Kathie Lee and Hoda Celebrate National Margarita Day on Today
Everyone's favorite daytime lushes toast to "Boozeday Tuesday" with a gigantic margarita. But don't worry, they won't be drinking the whole thing—think of all those calories!

How I Met Your Mother's Cobie Smulders Discusses Her Engagement to SNL's Taran Killam
When Cobie Smulders returned to the Late Show last night, she revealed a fact that I was unaware of—that the father of her 2-year-old daughter and fiancé is none other than Saturday Night Live newbie Taran Killam. What?!

Ed Helms Discusses Going Nude in Movies and Home Decorating
In an interview with topics ranging from his bare ass in a film to how to decorate your home, Ed helms stuck around for two delightful (and informative) segments on last night's Conan. Enjoy!

Everyone On Pretty Little Liars Goes To Jail
Tonight on Pretty Little Liars, the police took everyone to jail! Unfortunately, it was not for any crimes on their part. Instead, some questionable evidence and a false accusation landed the girls in hot water. To think, it all started with an innocent frat party...

How I Met Your Mother: Garbage Island
HIMYM gave us some big plot reveals in last night's episode. Without being too spoiler-ly, Marshall and Lily make some big life changes, Barney takes a stab at actual dating, and Ted's love life is about to change.