Cellphone Radiation Definitely Does Stuff to Your Brain

A new study suggests that electromagnetic radiation from cellphones has a direct, measurable impact on brain cells. The catch: We don't know if it matters.
The Wall Street Journal reports that, regardless of whether a cellphone user is speaking, listening, or sitting still and silent as a bump on a log, blood flow and activity in the region of the brain smushed up against an activated cellphone increases by 8-10%. Researchers are quick to add that they don't know whether or not this is "harmful," but I like to imagine people in the future recoiling in horror when they see old movies where beautiful people talk on their cellphones freely and with abandon. How could they have been so stupid? The people will cry, much like when you and I watch Mad Men and marvel at how anyone ever thought inhaling the burning vapor of toxic substances was a good idea. [WSJ, image via Bauer-Griffin]