This sexy star is already going under the knife to keep his good looks. This actress needs a paternity test and this actor believes he'll win an Oscar so he can share God's message with the world. We'd rather he just get a face lift.

1. "Which Hollywood A-list hunk has become so insecure about his looks, he's following his age-obsessed wife to the plastic surgeon? This young heartthrob is convinced that it's time to start erasing any signs of aging from his pretty face." [Blind Gossip]

2. "If there was ever a time for a paternity test, this husband of a B list television actress who has been in the business since she was a teen should make sure there is one when the baby is born. At this point I would venture to say the odds are no better than 50/50 that he is the father." [CDaN]

3. "This B list actor believes he will be an Oscar winner someday, if not with his new film that came out this year. He has told friends he believes God has chosen him to make it to the top in order to "have a platform to spread God's love and Holy word.'" [BuzzFoto]