The Best TV Highlights of the Week

Busy week? Relax, it's finally the weekend. Catch yourself up on what you missed all week long with this guide to television's best (and worst) moments.

Is Paula Deen Drunk In This Today Show Clip?
Either Paula Deen is high from suckin' on heads of shrimp or she's knocked back a few early-morning drinks in at the Food Network's Wine and Food festival. Paula blames it on "eye problems" but Meredith sees right through it.

"What is Pussy Furry" Blunder Makes One Uncomfortable Contestant on Teen Jeopardy
Yikes, that's embarrassing. Teen Jeopardy contestant, Raya, spoke the words, "pussy furry" on National television in an attempt to answer a question correctly. Even Alex Trebek couldn't stifle a chuckle at her mistake. And the correct answer? Kitty Galore.

30 Rock: Does TGS Hate Women?
On tonight's 30 Rock, Jenna was excited to appear on a women's web site, The problem, though, was that the headline read, "Why Does TGS Hate Women?" Hm... sound familiar? (Hint, hint!) Here's video of the cold open.

See the History of SNL's Weekend Update Through Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire"
Last night NBC aired a 2-hour special called Saturday Night Live: Backstage that took a look at the show's 36 seasons. One of the interesting segments was about Weekend Update, cultural relevance, and how it's changed through the years.

Watch Jimmy Fallon Have Live Surgery Performed on His Hand on Dr. Oz
The last time Dr. Oz saw Jimmy, he offered to personally remove a mole from his hand. Because Dr. Memhet Oz films across the hall from Late Night, Jimmy popped in to the studio today to actually do it.

Tyra Banks Teases America's Next Top Model's 16th Cycle Dressed as Stereotypical ANTM Auditions
Who better to mock the girls that go through ANTM's auditioning process than Tyra Banks herself? Here's our queen—in all of her crazy glory—acting out some of the "types" of gals that "wanna be on top."

Snooki Brings Shots, Fried Pickles and "Team Meatballs" to Her Interview With Jimmy Fallon
It was shots! shots! shots! on last night's Late Night when Snooki brought along fried pickles and a round of shots to the interview. Wait a minute, is Snooki taking cues from Jason Sudekis?

Hear Ann Curry Tell Al He Looks "Damn Dapper" and Then React to Her On-Air Swearing
It's okay Ann, we don't really count the word "damn" as a swear anymore but it's totally cute that you do.

Amy Poehler Flips Off the Late Show Audience While Describing Her Road Rage
While driving in Los Angeles, Amy "goes bananas" and "so Boston" out of complete rage with her kids sitting in the backseat. After her tales of road rage, she spoke a bit about Gawker.TV favorite Parks and Recreation.

David Letterman Challenges Rand Paul on Tax Cuts for the Rich
On tonight's Late Show freshman Tea Party Senator Rand Paul stopped by for an interview. On the whole, the discussion focused on politics-specifically, education, government spending, and tax cuts for the rich. Naturally, the two men disagreed.

Amy Sedaris Stars on Raising Hope as Virgina's Horrible, Horny Cousin
From a young age, Virginia and her cousin Delila (played by Amy Sedaris) have been enemies. She's a crazy pharmaceutical rep (who's recently had a botched aerola-reduction surgery) and is back to get her slice of the family estate.

The Bachelor: Death Does Them Part
This week's episode of The Bachelor was the dreaded "meet the parents" episode! Yes, Brad went to each of the four finalist's hometowns and met the families. But was he prepared for Shawntel's tour of her job at a funeral home? (Answer: No.)

The Simpsons Parody Awards Season, Pixar, and Other Animated Films With Help From Ricky Gervais
When Bart's comic strip "Angry Dad" gets a movie deal and is then nominated for a Golden Globe, the whole family hikes out to LA for awards season. Throughout the episode, the show parodies Hollywood and famous animators.

Community: Introduction to Political Theory
Vice President Joe Biden is making a tour of the local community college campuses and is set to meet with the Dean and the student body president. One problem: Greendale has no student body president. Quick, to the make-shift elections!

Watch Kathie Lee and Hoda Eat Dog Food on Today
After refusing at first, Kathie Lee decides that because Frank used to eat dog food during the war era when his family was poverty-stricken, she'd try—but not without saying she'd bring it home "to bring back some memories" first.

Carmelo Anthony Dodges Trade Questions Just Hours Before Being Traded
On Conan, Carmelo Anthony, who was just traded to the Knicks, dodged countless questions regarding where he would be traded to. He actually made it seem like he was going to stay in Denver.

Wendy Williams Shames John Travolta For Breaking the Cardinal Rule in Wig-Wearing
According to Wendy Williams, the golden rule in wig-wearing must have slipped John Travolta's mind when photographed sans hairpiece recently. Ultimately, she poses the real question looming over our heads: will Travolta's wig show itself come Oscar Sunday?

Watch Celine Dion Bark Like a Dog on Oprah
Today's Oprah Winfrey Show features Celine Dion (with her record-breaking 27th appearance on the program!). While giving a tour of her home—and showing off her new twin boys-Dion acted predictably eccentric and even barked like a dog.

Tacky Guest Jessica Hahn Insults Barbara Walters on The View
As part of "Where Are They Now?" week, The View had on Jessica Hahn, who had a sexual encounter with 1980's televangelist Jim Bakker. Rudely, she juxtaposes her experience with Barbara's affair with a senator, provoking Barbara to snappily retaliate.

Jay and Silent Bob Reunite on Attack of the Show!
Say what you will about Kevin Smith, but the man gives a great interview. This clip has it all: Mallrats, Jason Mewes, the Westboro Baptist Church, Jupids, and a first-person account of Friday's "incident" on Real Time with Bill Maher.

House Re-Enacts the "Tasty Burger" Scene from Pulp Fiction
The plot of last night's House was basically an excuse to have Hugh Laurie interact with a bunch of precocious 5th graders, but it resulted in some memorable sequences, like this homage to everyone's favorite "old" movie about foot massages.

Justin Timberlake Outs Terry on The Cleveland Show
Cleveland and the gang go out on the town and end up having more fun at a gay bar than they'd have on a regular evening. It did, however, lead to the gang discovering that lady-killer Terry is actually homosexual—and dating Justin Timberlake!

Here's Oscar Nominee Melissa Leo's Epic Catfight From All My Children in 1985
Before she was in The Fighter, she was fighting other ladies over a guy named Zach on All My Children. We have to give her major props for being so fiercely intense in kicking this girl's butt.

Regis Philbin Heckles Child in His Audience For Shouting "Ew" at the Sight of Regis' Open Wound
What's with it with talk show hosts showing us their blood lately? Yesterday it was Jimmy Fallon going under the knife on Dr. Oz and today Regis took off his band-aid to reveal an open wound.

How I Met Your Mother's Cobie Smulders Discusses Her Engagement to SNL's Taran Killam
When Cobie Smulders returned to the Late Show last night, she revealed a fact that I was unaware of—that the father of her 2-year-old daughter and fiancé is none other than Saturday Night Live newbie Taran Killam. What?!

Fred Armisen Voices a New Computer Competitor for Watson, Swaps Spit With Joel McHale on The Soup
How many appearances can one man do in a week? Fred Armisen seems to be testing the limits of exactly how many. Lucky for him, Friday's appearance on The Soup was hysterical.