[There was a video here]

On this past Wednesday evening, the world witnessed something that it never had before: a live performance of the original hip hop music of CHET HAZE, Northwestern University's foremost MC whose father is one of the voices of a leading character in the beloved Toy Story franchise.

Gawker's Chet Haze correspondent, Tyler Trykowski, was kind enough to attend Northwestern's Waa-Mu Fashion show at which Chet performed, and to make the video you see above of Chet performing "Adios, Motherfucker." Tyler also got the chance to interview Chet. Some highlights:

TT: What about a favorite book?

CH: My favorite book, pfft, damn that's a good question, my favorite book… is probably-

TT: Do you read, I mean, you're a theater major-

CH: I do, I read a lot, I actually read a lot. My favorite book. Well, a book that I read really recently that I really loved was 50 Cent's book, it's called The 50th Law, and seriously, go out and buy that, it's called the 50th Law, and it's like, co-written by 50 Cent, and it's kind of like about0 it's slightly about 50 Cent's life, but really, what it is, is just pretty much a manual to being a successful person. I think anyone can benefit from it. [...]

TT: What about- you rap a lot about Marijuana, obviously, how much do you smoke? A lot? Obviously?

CH: Yo, for real, honestly, I smoke a lot, yeah, I smoke a lot.

TT: Can you give me a gram estimate? I mean, you rap about it.

CH: I couldn't give you an estimate but I could say, that like, I smoke a lot. [...]

TT: Well, tell me if I'm going too into the family, does Colin rap?

CH: [laughs; Manager: you should hear him spit] Colin does not rap, but he does enjoy a very eclectic taste in music. I know that. He doesn't rap but he enjoys, one thing about my brother is that this dude knows more about music than almost everyone I know. He listens to all different types, rap included, but all different types, anywhere from Indie to Country kind of stuff, or whatever. He knows a lot about music and I always respect his opinion.

TT: Is he gonna collaborate with you in any way?

CH: I don't know about that, we could collaborate for, like, a family photo or something. I'll be on the left, he'll be on the right. [Manager: home-shot videos, baby.]

TT: What about, you would win in a freestyling contest with him, then?

CH: Oh, I'd definitely beat his ass.

Chet says he'll be living in New York City this summer. Chet, if you need an internship, you know where to apply.

[Thanks to Tyler Trykowski]