David Lynch, a prominent white supremacist and leader of the neo-Nazi group National Alliance, was found shot to death in his home in Citrus Heights, Calif. on Wednesday. Police say it's "too soon to speculate on a motive" for the murder, but, shockingly, it may have something to do with meth.

Who could imagine it: A skinhead gang leader from central California, involved in methamphetamine manufacturing? And yet, Lynch was unusual in so many ways. Or, not "unusual" so much as violent, hateful, and dangerous, according to the Southern Law Poverty Center:

According to law enforcement sources, Lynch makes frequent side trips to Florida to network with skinheads there, including Richie Myers, another former high-ranking official in American Front. Myers was the Florida state leader for American Front until 1991, when he was convicted of attempted murder and sentenced to 10 years in prison for trying to drown another American Front official, John Daly, after Lynch and Myers learned that Daly was secretly Jewish. Myers is now off parole and free of restrictions prohibiting contact with active white-power gang members.

"Lynch back then had a reputation for being a crazy fighter, somebody who would go at it with anyone, at any time, at any place, with no thought of the repercussions," Daly told the Intelligence Report. Daly said Lynch once ordered him to carve an American Front tattoo off the back of Lynch's ex-girlfriend's neck and mail Lynch the chunk of skin. Daly did not carry out the order and was nearly killed soon afterward.

Sounds like a peach, huh? (That's him in the sunglasses.)