With a backlash brewing against the incessant media coverage of Charlie Sheen's breakdown, Sheen has made an uncannily savvy move: He's announced he's going to Haiti on a humanitarian mission with his buddy Sean Penn, who has practically been living there since the earthquake struck more than a year ago:

Sheen told Access Hollywood that the two plan to visit the country still dealing with the aftershocks of a January 2010 earthquake.

"We're going to do a couple things first and then it looks like we're heading down (to Haiti)," Sheen said. "And I'm excited as hell because, you know, if I can bring the attention of the world down there, then clearly this tsunami keeps cresting."

Brilliant. Tying questionable coverage of his breakdown into a morally rock-solid issue? The media would practically be negligent if it didn't cover his trip to the still-suffering island! What, critics, do you want us to ignore Haiti?

[THR. Photo of Sheen via Pacific Coast News. Photo of Penn via Getty Images]