After his first divorce, this funny guy was living up the gay lifestyle, but now that he has a new movie coming out, he got married again to boost his box office. This tween got drunk and puked in a convenience store. She must have eaten the hot dogs.

1. "We really thought that this successful funny man was done with the whole bearding mishegas. After all, he did get a divorce and has been pretty much living as an openly gay man. So why in the world would he get married again? Well, consider this mystery solved. He is still gay, but he believes he was more successful when people perceived him as a heterosexual man. His next live-action film is scheduled for release in 2012, so we'll see then if the whole married man act pays off at the box office." [Blind Gossip]

2. "This little-known star on a children's network just had a hush-hush moment after getting so drunk this week that she threw up on the floor of a local 7-11. It was all made right when mommy manager swooped in and saved her with a stack of twenties in the cashier's pocket." [BuzzFoto]