Gawker.TV: The Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Bill Maher tackles Charlie Sheen's illusions of grandeur, Miley Cyrus impersonates Justin Bieber, Mike Tyson's pigeon show, four minutes of Gary Busy being crazy on Celebrity Apprentice and see Kim Kardashian struggling to record her new song.

Four Minutes of Gary Busey Acting Crazy in Last Night's Premiere of The Celebrity Apprentice
There are certainly a lot of "characters" in the new season of Celebrity Apprentice, but none so crazy as Gary Busey. Here's are his greatest hits from last night's new episode—which includes his role as the "Pepperoni Profit."

Here's Miley Cyrus' Eerily Accurate Justin Bieber Impersonation from SNL
Saturday's Miley Cyrus-hosted episode of SNL was quite eclectic—Train wreck talk shows! Teen star apologies!—but perhaps nothing was more surprising than Cyrus' spot-on Justin Bieber impersonation (during the "Miley Cyrus Show" sketch). She sounds just like her!

The Soup Remarks on Charlie Sheen, the New DWTS cast and Snooki's Rolling Stone Cover
This week on The Soup: a stoner-moment on 90210, Brad Womack struggles on The Bachelor, an all-feline rock band, Dancing With the Stars, and Charlie Sheen revives the news media. As Joel put it, "Merry Christmas, Entertainment Media!"

Bill Maher Takes on Charlie Sheen's "Rockstar" Status, Pointing Out How Lame Two and a Half Men Is
Thank you, Bill Maher. He brings up a good point about Sheen's disillusioned claims of greatness: "How can you be this cool if the central thing that you do is not that cool?"

See the Difficult Process of Recording Kim Kardashian's New Single
Last night on Kourtney and Kim Take New York, Kim Kardashian recorded a song with The Dream. You've already heard the auto-tuned masterpiece, now go behind the music to see the trials and tribulations of a reality star gone pop.

Taking On Tyson Leads With Scary Pigeon Death Story
"It was the bloody death of a bird that provoked Mike to throw his first ever punch" says narrator Michael Kenneth Williams (The Wire), and we're off to the pigeon races with Taking On Tyson, Animal Planet's new docudrama.

Chris Pratt Needs to Write an Autobiography About His Eccentric Life
On Late Night, Chris Pratt detailed his road to becoming an actor. It included: dropping out of college, becoming a traveling salesman, living in a van in Maui, and the adorable story of how he met wife Anna Faris.

The Search For the Next Great Restaurant Makes Everyone Hungry
NBC aired its newest reality show The Search For The Next Great Restaurant and it looks promising. The restaurant ideas are intriguing, the food looks delicious, and the guy who founded Chipotle makes a surprisingly unsympathetic judge.

Conair Massagers Recalled For Improper Use on the Onion News Network
Imagine that! Personal massagers being used for more than a backache. Here the Onion News Network offers an alternative to the wand-style that would prove harder to manipulate.

Kathie Lee Scolds Hoda for Being More Tan Than She Is
It's not because Kathie Lee is concerned about Hoda getting skin cancer, of course. Kathie Lee is annoyed at Hoda's gorgeous tan because it makes KLG look pale in comparison.

Miley Cyrus and Kenan Thompson (as Raven Symone) Are "The Disney School of Acting"
Sure, Miley spent most of her time as SNL host singing (or impersonating Justin Bieber) but when she stopped belting notes, she delivered laughs. Nothing was more spot-on than her tips and tricks for acting on a Disney Channel show.

Iron Chef Judge Has Penis on the Brain
In a recent episode of Iron Chef, the key ingredient were fresh, green peas. When it came time to critique the dishes, one of the judges had a freudian slip of sorts.