Gawker.TV: The Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Donald Glover talks about how he got his job on 30 Rock, Barbara Walters has advice for Charlie Sheen, we say goodbye to Greek, House turns into a musical, and the rejected ladies of The Bachelor reunite.

Barbara Walters: Charlie Sheen ‘Needs Lithium'
On today's episode of The View, one of the "Hot Topics" was-duh-Charlie Sheen. After playing a clip of Sheen's manic webcast from last night, Barbara Walters got serious, remarking, "This man needs lithium. This man needs treatment."

Donald Glover Freestyles on Lopez Tonight
Before ending his interview with a freestyle rap, Don Glover shared tales of "shocking his junk," how he got his job at 30 Rock, and even threw in an impression of Chris Rock for good measure.

The Bachelor: The Rejected Women Tell All
Last night, the rejected bachelorettes gathered to rehash old grudges, complain about each other, and whine about their failed relationships with Brad. There were tears! Insults flew! Ladies be acting a fool! In other words, an entertaining two-hours of television.

Stephen Colbert Puts Mike Huckbee on Notice For His Remarks About Natalie Portman
Last night on the Colbert Report, Stephen called out Mike Huckabee for his recent comments about Natalie Portman's pregnancy. As Stephen put it, Huckabee is now "On notice/Dead to me."

We Bid Greek a Final (and Tearful) Farewell
All little children do grow-up, even those students over in Ohio's Cyprus Rhodes University. Last night, we said our goodbyes to Casey, Cappy, Ash and the gang in Greek's series finale.

Watch "Get Happy," the Big Musical Number from Last Night's House
The great thing about the stylistic diversions House has been taking these past few weeks is that they're not just novelties; each gimmick has been used to tell an integral part of the series's ongoing story.

Fox & Friends Shoots Hoops with Newark Mayor Cory Booker
Although we'd like them to, the hosts of Fox & Friends shouldn't quit their day jobs. Watch them all attempt to look like they are better at basketball than they really are.

Jayma Mays' Eyes Charm America's Hearts
On Conan, Jayma Mays (of Glee Fame) proved that she is one of most attractive people in Hollywood. She showcased the powers of her enchantingly huge eyes.

Skins Blows Its Own Horn
Remember how everyone caught Chlamydia on last week's Skins and we all hoped that it that would kill them off one by one? Well, it didn't. In fact, somehow the Chlamydia mixed with their teen blood and made them stronger.

Chelsea Handler and Sophie Monk Talk Breast Size and PMS
Chelsea made the mistake of saying that Sophie Monk is a "big, big Australian hottie", instantly making the actress self-conscious about her size. This turned into a lively discussion about how their bodies react to PMS.

Rachael Ray Plays 'Stump The Rach' With Harry Connick Jr.
Harry Connick Jr. brought some fun objects to Rachael's show to see if she could guess what they were. Half way through Harry managed to turn the game into an infomercial.

Watch the Sequel to Clarissa Explains It All That Never Made it to Air
Hey, it's Clarissa Darling—but all grown up!? Enter Clarissa Now, a 1995 pilot for CBS starring a college-aged Clarissa. This time, she's explaining it all about her foray into the professional world as an intern at a newspaper.