Gawker.TV: The Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Ann Curry gives Aaron Eckhart a back massage, Jason Bateman talks about the Arrested Development movie's plot, Daily Show's Deadliest Snatch, Pee-Wee Herman delights on Conan, and Martha Stewart explains exactly why she doesn't like Morning Joe.

Martha Stewart Tells Us Exactly What She Thinks About Morning Joe
What do you do if you're interviewing Morning Joe correspondent Willie Geist? Well, if you're Martha Stewart, you tell him exactly why Morning Joe sucks.

Conan Proposes The Nicolas Cage Terror Alert System
The Department of Homeland Security is getting rid of the color-coded terror alerts. On last night's Conan, he suggested a new system that will alert Americans with clips of Nic Cage's movies.

Ann Curry Gets Handsy With Aaron Eckhart on the Today Show Plaza
Today Show anchors: what will they do next? If it's not Meredith Vieira offering to polish Colin Firth's nob, it's apparently Ann Curry giving a massage to Aaron Eckhart's broken back.

Pee-Wee Herman Proves That He's Still Got it on Conan
I try not to like Pee-Wee Herman but something always makes me love the guy. On Conan, Pee-Wee water skied on to the set and performed a bunch of old school bits.

The Daily Show Explores the Dangers of the Uterus with The Deadliest Snatch
On last night's Daily Show, Kristin Schaal and Larry Wilmore explored the dangerous and oppressive nature of the uterus, the 17th most dangerous place for black people "behind the Magic Johnson Theater after the premiere of a Big Momma movie."

The Real World: Las Vegas: Secrets in Sin City
What happens when people stop being polite and start being real? But, not real enough yet to divulge some truly salacious secrets to their new housemates. Ladies and gentlemen, season 25 of The Real World has begun, and it's a doozy.

Watch The Lonely Island Do Spring Break 1988
See Andy Samberg, Jorma Taccone, and Akiva Scaffer travel back in time to perform at MTV's 1988 Spring Break in Daytona Beach. It looks pretty "real"—especially if you can forgive the "" logos.

Jerry O'Connell Addresses Charlie Sheen Replacement Rumors
Everyone's favorite Adonis has left Two and a Half Men, leaving the show in search of the perfect replacement. Jerry O'Connell may be the man for the job.

America's Next Top Model's Makeover Episode is Unbeweaveable
Do you hear that? Yeah, that! That is the terrifying sound of Fashion Making, and it's all happening Tyra style. Prepare yourselves, because this is the Makeover episode!

A Sober Daniel Baldwin Weighs In On Charlie Sheen's Alleged Sobriety
Daniel Baldwin has had his fair share of problems when it comes to drugs and the media. Since this is Baldwin's area of expertise, Piers Morgan asks his friend if he believes Sheen is sober. Baldwin believes there's no way he's sober, and will "yank a hair out of his head" to prove it.

Jason Bateman: The Arrested Development Movie Plot is "Incredible"
MTV brings us even more news about the Arrested Development movie. Appaarently, he sat down with Mitch Hurwitz just last week to discuss the film. Bateman goes on to call it "everything you would want it to be and more."

See Martha Stewart and Conan O'Brien Chill Out in "Ecstasy Chairs"
EW brings us a preview from Martha's upcoming special Martha Stewart Presents: Men Who Make Us Laugh. In this clip, Conan and Martha relax in vibrating massage chairs as they talk about the important things in life.