This actor doesn't care if he takes home a boy or a girl, as long as it's not his wife. This actress is leaving an arranged marriage. This pop star is very nice to fans, and this actress has an ungrateful daughter. She's a natural for Mildred Pierce.

1. "This B- list actor who deserves to be a D, but for some reason keeps getting roles is married. Good looking guy. Definitely a ladies man and will cheat on his wife in a second. Cheated on her before they got married and has not slowed down. She will not leave him though because she wants fame so bad she will do anything. Wow, this was not actually about his cheating, but about how when he was hitting on guys the other night, he said, he always likes guys when there is not a woman around." [CDaN]

2. "This acting couple broke up a few years ago, but there was something odd about the reports that came out after the couple split. The actress—who had usually been quite reluctant to discuss her private life—told people both that she was surprised by the split, and that she had sadly miscarried before the couple broke up. We knew that the "surprised" part of that was untrue, as they had a contract that was expiring. But we just found out that the miscarriage comment was also untrue. It was part of the legal settlement, and was designed to make the public believe that the actor was both heterosexual and potent, neither of which is true." [Blind Gossip]

3. "This is just a great story. Earlier this week, two women were having lunch at a place in Toronto when they noticed that a man had sat down. This man, who used to be A+ list back in the day and is still loved by enough people that he is a B list singer and reality star saw them looking at him. They waved and he waved back. This is like their biggest star crush. That would usually be it, but our celebrity, got up from his table, walked over to the two women, sits down and starts chatting with them. He stays and talks to them about his career and answers all of their questions. Then, one of the women asks if she can take his photo and a waiter rushes over and says there is a no photo policy, but our celebrity will have none of that and says of course. He then takes a picture, chats some more and even asks to use one of the stories about him that one of the women shared which he is going to use in his shows. After he left, the restaurant manager came by and said that most celebrities are a-holes but this guy was the greatest and the biggest tipper in a place that gets its share of A list movie stars." [CDaN]

4. "This famous celebrity mom is a slave to her child. The daughter calls all the shots, makes diva demands, and swears and yells at her mom. At a recent play-date, a source says that as the mom was showing up to pick up her daughter and the little girl threw a fit on the front porch and yelled, "I hate my fucking mom! I hate my fucking mom! I don't want to go home with you! I wanted dad to pick me up." And then the mother said, "I know sweetie, I know. I'm so sorry sweetie! I'll drive you home and you can see dad." The little girl said she'd go only if her mom bought her ice cream, to which the mom agreed while the other kids looked on. " [BuzzFoto]