The Best TV Highlights of the Week
We realize that not everyone can keep up with TV as much as we do throughout the week—so for those of us who had busier weeks than others, here's a roundup of everything you may have missed!

Zach Galifianakis and Andy Samberg's SNL Promos are Just as Funny as We'd Hoped
The promos for this weekend's edition of SNL are essentially the opposite of last week's batch featuring Miley Cyrus. Andy and Zach really deliver in the new promos—and especially delight with a game of "got your nose."

Four Minutes of Gary Busey Acting Crazy in Last Night's Premiere of The Celebrity Apprentice
There are certainly a lot of "characters" in the new season of Celebrity Apprentice, but none so crazy as Gary Busey. Here's are his greatest hits from last night's new episode—which includes his role as the "Pepperoni Profit."

Here's Miley Cyrus' Eerily Accurate Justin Bieber Impersonation from SNL
Saturday's Miley Cyrus-hosted episode of SNL was quite eclectic—Train wreck talk shows! Teen star apologies!—but perhaps nothing was more surprising than Cyrus' spot-on Justin Bieber impersonation (during the "Miley Cyrus Show" sketch). She sounds just like her!

Rihanna Accuses Chelsea Handler of "Getting Gangsta" at Her Birthday Party
When Rihanna stopped by Chelsea Lately yesterday, Chelsea immediately calls her out on being late to her own birthday party while Rihanna tells a few rumors she heard about Chelsea's behavior that night. Man, that sounds like an incredible party.

Barbara Walters: Charlie Sheen ‘Needs Lithium'
On today's episode of The View, one of the "Hot Topics" was-duh-Charlie Sheen. After playing a clip of Sheen's manic webcast from last night, Barbara Walters got serious, remarking, "This man needs lithium. This man needs treatment."

Donald Glover Freestyles on Lopez Tonight
Before ending his interview with a freestyle rap, Don Glover shared tales of "shocking his junk," how he got his job at 30 Rock, and even threw in an impression of Chris Rock for good measure.

Zooey Deschanel and Mattew Morrison Sing a Duet in a Made-For-TV Musical
Hey, this is relevant to my interests—and not just because I was in my high school's production of Once Upon a Mattress. See a young Zooey sing "In a Little While" with Glee's Matthew Morrison.

Conan Digs Up Seth Rogen's Ridiculous Appearance on a Beijing Talk Show
Between stories of meeting George Lucas and getting caught by paparazzi holding a lot of toilet paper, Conan aired a silly clip of Seth Rogen's recent appearance on a Chinese talk show.
And we're just getting started! Many more of this week's not-to-be-missed TV moments, after the jump.

The Bachelor: The Rejected Women Tell All
Last night, the rejected bachelorettes gathered to rehash old grudges, complain about each other, and whine about their failed relationships with Brad. There were tears! Insults flew! Ladies be acting a fool! In other words, an entertaining two-hours of television.

Martha Stewart Tells Us Exactly What She Thinks About Morning Joe
What do you do if you're interviewing Morning Joe correspondent Willie Geist? Well, if you're Martha Stewart, you tell him exactly why Morning Joe sucks.

Conan Proposes The Nicolas Cage Terror Alert System
The Department of Homeland Security is getting rid of the color-coded terror alerts. On last night's Conan, he suggested a new system that will alert Americans with clips of Nic Cage's movies.

The Soup Remarks on Charlie Sheen, the New DWTS cast and Snooki's Rolling Stone Cover
This week on The Soup: a stoner-moment on 90210, Brad Womack struggles on The Bachelor, an all-feline rock band, Dancing With the Stars, and Charlie Sheen revives the news media. As Joel put it, "Merry Christmas, Entertainment Media!"

Watch the Sequel to Clarissa Explains It All That Never Made it to Air
Hey, it's Clarissa Darling—but all grown up!? Enter Clarissa Now, a 1995 pilot for CBS starring a college-aged Clarissa. This time, she's explaining it all about her foray into the professional world as an intern at a newspaper.

Pee-Wee Herman Proves That He's Still Got it on Conan
I try not to like Pee-Wee Herman but something always makes me love the guy. On Conan, Pee-Wee water skied on to the set and performed a bunch of old school bits.

The Daily Show Explores the Dangers of the Uterus with The Deadliest Snatch
On last night's Daily Show, Kristin Schaal and Larry Wilmore explored the dangerous and oppressive nature of the uterus, the 17th most dangerous place for black people "behind the Magic Johnson Theater after the premiere of a Big Momma movie."

The Real World: Las Vegas: Secrets in Sin City
What happens when people stop being polite and start being real? But, not real enough yet to divulge some truly salacious secrets to their new housemates. Ladies and gentlemen, season 25 of The Real World has begun, and it's a doozy.

Watch The Lonely Island Do Spring Break 1988
See Andy Samberg, Jorma Taccone, and Akiva Scaffer travel back in time to perform at MTV's 1988 Spring Break in Daytona Beach. It looks pretty "real"—especially if you can forgive the "" logos.

Bill Maher Takes on Charlie Sheen's "Rockstar" Status, Pointing Out How Lame Two and a Half Men Is
Thank you, Bill Maher. He brings up a good point about Sheen's disillusioned claims of greatness: "How can you be this cool if the central thing that you do is not that cool?"

See What's In Store for the New Season of Real Housewives of New York City
The new season of Real Housewives of New York City begins on April 7th and promises a whole new batch of wild antics, girl-fights, and a new division among the Housewives—the blondes versus brunettes.

Chris Pratt Needs to Write an Autobiography About His Eccentric Life
On Late Night, Chris Pratt detailed his road to becoming an actor. It included: dropping out of college, becoming a traveling salesman, living in a van in Maui, and the adorable story of how he met wife Anna Faris.

We Bid Greek a Final (and Tearful) Farewell
All little children do grow-up, even those students over in Ohio's Cyprus Rhodes University. Last night, we said our goodbyes to Casey, Cappy, Ash and the gang in Greek's series finale.

Jason Bateman: The Arrested Development Movie Plot is "Incredible"
MTV brings us even more news about the Arrested Development movie. Appaarently, he sat down with Mitch Hurwitz just last week to discuss the film. Bateman goes on to call it "everything you would want it to be and more."

Watch "Get Happy," the Big Musical Number from Last Night's House
The great thing about the stylistic diversions House has been taking these past few weeks is that they're not just novelties; each gimmick has been used to tell an integral part of the series's ongoing story. [associate

See the Difficult Process of Recording Kim Kardashian's New Single
Last night on Kourtney and Kim Take New York, Kim Kardashian recorded a song with The Dream. You've already heard the auto-tuned masterpiece, now go behind the music to see the trials and tribulations of a reality star gone pop.

Michelle Rodriguez Has Some Very Strange Ideas About the Universe
Sure, after filming Avatar and Battle: Los Angeles, she's got more experience dealing with extra-terrestrials than most of us, but seriously, folks, after watching this interview, we've upgraded the actress's condition from "kooky" to "bat-shit."

Archer: Bring a Movie Star to Work Day
Meet Rona, Archer's answer to the Reese Witherspoons of our world. Mallory assigns Lana to take Rona (who's voiced by the funny Rachel Harris) around with her for awhile to help her get prepared for an upcoming role.

Iron Chef Judge Has Penis on the Brain
In a recent episode of Iron Chef, the key ingredient were fresh, green peas. When it came time to critique the dishes, one of the judges had a freudian slip of sorts.