These two lady celebs have a lot in common, including their hate for each other. This star is awful to work with. This actor isn't as famous as he thinks. And this star keyed the car door of her famous boyfriend's famous ex. Another day, another feud.

1. "These two female celebrities are approximately the same age. Both have starred in multiple films, have been married more than once, and have more than one child. They also share the same religion and some significant business contacts. You would think that with so much in common, they must get along, right? The truth is that these two absolutely can't stand each other. They both have big egos and are desperate for attention. At a big post-Oscar party, they were each very careful to stay on their half of the room, each holding court with their fans and refusing to even look at each other. The tension was so thick you could have cut it with a knife (though hopefully not the same one wielded by their respective plastic surgeons)." [Blind Gossip]

2. "She's long had a reputation for being absolute hell to work with. I mean like straight up crazy. Leaves her shit, sometimes literally, everywhere, specifies exact times when people can or cannot talk to her, is foaming at the mouth insane one minute, calm and collected the next. Lately her opportunities have dried up. And this is a good example of why. Press junket. A handler has to make sure she wakes up in the morning. Because she's not a proper adult? She finds her completely out of it. Has to put her in the shower and hold her up. Picture that please. A grown woman having to be physically supported in the shower to make sure she can go and do her job. She then had to be spoon fed her breakfast. And she had to be dressed. Like, let's put on your socks! Finally they get her to the point where she can be seen in public. A journalist is soon expected for an interview. Through it all she's still a fucking zombie. Soon as the reporter comes into the room though, a switch goes off. She's alive. She's engaging. She can speak in proper sentences. And you can imagine, for the people who've experienced this, who've had to work with her, who have to manage the unpredictability of this, how scary it must be, how utterly unsettling, even more unsettling than most of her peers. And in her business, that's a pretty high standard." [Lainey Gossip]

3. "This former C list actor who had one big part in a movie and has tried to keep his fame going without much success has his head so far up his own butt it is unbelievable. This actor, wears a T-shirt from his movie so people knows who he is. Second, he has an assistant. Why? "I'm famous. I can't go out. People will mob me." Then why do you have to wear the damn t-shirt so people even know who you are?" [CDaN]

4. "This fairly new celebrity couple with two C Listers were out to dinner this week when the male ran into an old flame at a restaurant. The old flame is famous too and was there with her husband. The couples ended up sharing a table and enjoying the meal together. All seemed to be going fine until the ladies left to go to the restroom and there was an apparent argument. The ladies got into it in the bathroom and the C Lister shoved the ex against the wall. The ex left the restroom and stormed to the table, grabbed her stuff and her husband and exited the restaurant. She then went to the C Lister's car and keyed the door." [BuzzFoto]