This young leading lady has a bunch of work lined up, and a bun in the oven wasn't on the schedule. This director hires hookers, this actor is having a gay affair, this actor's wife is getting it on with the gardener, and this tween is buying drugs off the street. Kids these days, they're either doped up or pregnant!

1. "This very promising young actress is unexpectedly pregnant. The timing isn't great, as her career is really just starting to take off. She has multiple projects scheduled through the beginning of next year, so it will be interesting to see how she handles this. She will have to make a decision fast, though, as she is already approximately two months along in her pregnancy." [Blind Gossip]

2. "Which lusty director has been ordering hookers to the set of his latest movie?" [P6]

3. "Which actor recently linked to a series of starlets has been secretly sleeping with a man?" [P6]

4. "This A list celebrity husband is so afraid of losing his wife to a good looking costar that he is really stepping it up in the romance department. Just last month he sent his wife several dozen flowers ‘for no reason' and took her on a trip. He hired a life coach to give him ideas on how to spice things up and he's really trying hard. Little does he know that he hasn't lost his wife to his costar, but to his gardener." [BuzzFoto]

5. "Which former squeaky-clean child actor was recently spotted buying drugs openly on the street in the West Village?" [P6]

6. "Which female publicist ruined a friend's birthday party at a New York club last weekend by urinating in the middle of the dance floor, causing guests to slip and fall in the mess?" [P6]